Professor profile for John Swinnea

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Student reviews of John Swinnea

Review from a student who took ChE 210
Swinnea is quite possibly the most boring professor there is. His lectures seem completely pointless and his tests are impossible to study for. The lab is useless. The final is over material that is barely covered in class. If any other professors are available GET THEM! If not, do all your homeworks, and try your best not to sleep in class, belive me it's hard!
Review from a student who took CHE 210
having him at 8am is death if you are trying to stay awake. he tries to make it intersing, but the material is rather boring. DO the homework, for he uses those grades to get an idea of what kind of student you are. if you have a problem with a question on the test he will be very glad to help. he always has a diet pepsi, and will walk back and forth in front of the board. you just want to yell STAND STILL. TA's kind of help, but you could always find a friend and do the hw in 15-30min. you will not have another choice of professor, so suck it up and go to class. YES, go to class. it is really stupid reading the books for that class. you will not have to buy a book if you go to class because he does not assign any HW problems from them, though it might be a good idea to have a copy of Matlab in your dorm/appartment.
Review from a student who took CHE 210
He looks like Jerry Springer and he's always got a soda in the morning. JERRY JERRY JERRY!
Review from a student who took ChE 210
Both the class and the professor are boring. I'd take someone else if possible but for now he's the only one that teaches ChE 210. He's not bad, just boring.
Review from a student who took Che 210
Yes, at 8 AM Swinnea's lectures will put you to sleep. Yet this is an extremely easy class-- the homework and material are easy (Excel/Matlab) and the homework takes 30 mins tops to finish. His exams are just like the HW except he does grade nit picky when it comes to formatting/set up. I used to go to class every day but eventually stopped going completely and I still had a solid A.
Review from a student who took Che210
He is pretty boring but if you go to class, do all the homeworks and read the books you shouldnt have too much trouble in the class. The lab is pointless unless you dont understand the material. Go to lab ask the TA how to do it and he'll explain it. Everything you need to know is straight from the book so just read it before you try and do the homework
Review from a student who took Che 210
The class wasn't great at all. Didn't learn much about matlab as I hoped. A lot of companies use the program to which is sad for basic programming and graphing. He really doesn't use any tricks and stresses teaching us how to program instead of using functions to do it which is ridiculous because MATLAB is a software not a programming language. He isn't a good teacher his lectures are kinda all over the place in my opinion but he does give ok notes. Wish I learned more from MATLAB. UT CHEME department needs to restructure this class. Get more professors and teach a different language or combination of programming languages like C which is useful.
Review from a student who took DBhPjMVwrV
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Grades given in courses taught by John Swinnea

When teaching CHE 386K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 92% 8% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught CHE 386K

When teaching CHE 386L

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught CHE 386L

When teaching CHE 448

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 38% 40% 16% 3% 1% 2%

  All professors who have taught CHE 448

When teaching CHE 210

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 43% 34% 15% 2% 3% 2%

  All professors who have taught CHE 210