Professor profile for David Swarbrick

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Student reviews of David Swarbrick

Review from a student who took M 316K
Dr. Swarbrick is a pretty nice guy, and he is very knowledgeable about math and math education. He has a lot of opinions about the subject, which will probably become your opinions too, if you take the class. Really, the only thing I would complain about is the workload. You have homework every other week, and an essay to write every other week. Neither is hard, but the homework is insanely long, usually 40-50 problems divided into part A, part B, etc. And there is a final project which is pretty time consuming. But overall I think I learned a lot from his class.

Grades given in courses taught by David Swarbrick

When teaching M 305G

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 10% 26% 25% 13% 15% 10%

  All professors who have taught M 305G

When teaching M 316K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 42% 36% 16% 1% 3% 3%

  All professors who have taught M 316K

Rating Summary:

Personality: 4.00
Grading Fairness: 5.00
Lecture Quality: 5.00
Overall: 4.00

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