Professor profile for Lawrence Speck

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Student reviews of Lawrence Speck

Review from a student who took ARC 308
This was one of my favorite but hardest classes! Make sure to study the pictures and learn them in advance before the test. He talks about places he has actually been to in his lectures. He is a very interesting and well educated professor. I definitely recommend this class.
Review from a student who took ARC 308
This was one of the most valuable courses I have ever taken. I highly recommend it, even to those who are not in the School of Architecture. Speck is a great lecturer, and his lectures were well-organized. He is very avant-garde in his attitudes about architecture, and spends a fair amount of time discussing important sustainability issue and human issues. Course load is average, and all his T.A.'s were great as well!
Review from a student who took ARC 308
Dr. Speck is a very interesting man. His passion for Architecture is so evident. However, his tests can be a little tricky. You really have to study the slides and make sure you know your stuff for his tests! Pay close attention to the three books he makes you read--he is really good about choosing tricky questions from these. Also, you're going to have 4 essays throughout the semester; it's up to your TAs discretion for the grades on the papers. You'll choose one building (that you really need to have a passion for) and write all four papers about it depending on what the broad topic is that he's covering in lecture. He's interesting (most of the time). Some of the lectures can be a little draining or just plain boring, but most of the others will make up for it!
Review from a student who took ARC 308
I was mostly taking this class to fulfill the degree requirement, and it ended up becoming one of my favorite classes. The course workload is not too heavy, there are three quizzes (they're more like tests though) and three papers, and then the final which counts the same as the tests. Professor Speck really makes the class interesting, despite that the lights are always on low to show slides, making it easy to fall asleep. The tests are straightforward, and he hands out the essay questions ahead of time. I would definitely recommend this class to non-architecture majors even if their fine arts requirement is already fulfilled.
Review from a student who took arc 308
Although I fell asleep just about every day in this class bc its right after lunch and the lights are off to show slides, his class is very of my favorites. However I did stop going cause i was destined to fall asleep anyways but i listened to his lectures online, and they are good. speck knows his stuff. Course work was a bit heavy...3 tests, 3 papers, 3 books to read. and his tests are pretty specific so you must study before hand and take good notes in lecture. I wouldve really enjoyed this class so i advise that if you take it, drink lots of caffine or try to get a nap before hand.
Review from a student who took ARC 308
What a motivating man. It's people like Larry Speck that instills passion in people. I highly recommend this course to everyone. The most valuable course thus far. I really enjoyed the class, and an A wasn't too difficult to get. HOwever, it REALLY depends on your TA. Architecture papers aren't that difficult to write. With just a little imagination and a whole lota B.S. will do the trick. "OH! The light shinging throughout the windows instills a divine atmosphere.. blah blah blah." See, i wasn't kidding. :0P
Review from a student who took ARC 308
Some of his lectures were quite intresting, but i tended to dose off during them. His grading style is pretty fair, although your TA has alot of say into what your grade will be. There are 3 tests in the semester each with slide identification, multiple choice, and essays. Your TA grades you on the essays, but watch out for the multiple choice questions, ecspecially the ones based on the books he asks you to read. Your TA also grades and assigns you 4 essays during the semester over a building of your choice. Overall, the class is very intresting, but requires a bit of work.
Review from a student who took ARC 308
I took this class my first semester at UT. It's now my senior year, and Larry Speck is still by far the best professor I've ever had. His passion for architecture is highly contagious and his class is extremely valuable, despite the somewhat heavy workload. I was truly inspired by him and even now I still go back to sit in on his lectures once in a while. Sure the chairs are too comfortable, and the class isn't an easy A, but I'd still recommend this class above any other, even for those like me who aren't architecture majors.
Review from a student who took ARC308
This class is painfully boring. Lectures are so dull and feel like an eternity. The idea of architecture is interesting to me, but this class totally turned me off from the subject. Larry Speck is a nice/smart man, but that is the only positive about this class.
Review from a student who took uzRidpBerC
KoU8zs Im grateful for the blog article.Thanks Again. Much obliged.

Grades given in courses taught by Lawrence Speck

When teaching ARC 308

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 28% 48% 14% 3% 4% 4%

  All professors who have taught ARC 308

When teaching ARC 386K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 58% 42% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught ARC 386K

When teaching ARC 350R

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 50% 33% 8% 0% 0% 8%

  All professors who have taught ARC 350R