Professor profile for Alan Sager

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Student reviews of Alan Sager

Review from a student who took 357K, 320k, 320L
Great teacher, there are a lot of cases to read everynight, but if you come to class and put forth the effort you will learn a great deal. A must take if you are thinking about law school.
Review from a student who took GOV 320N
First and foremost, the workload was extremely high. Read the summaries from Oyez and memorize them and you'll do just fine if you skim through the cases in the book. Stay up to date with the syllabus and be prepared to be called upon in class. His tests were difficult but doable if you focus on the technical aspects of the cases (such as main themes and, especially, van geel). Don't worry if you're an extreme liberal because grading is completely objective, so put forth the effort, justify your reasoning in the essays by citing cases, and you'll get the grade you earned. On a side note, he likes to name drop a lot.
Review from a student who took GOV357
Sager doesn't really teach you anything. But you learn a lot in his class. How? Becuase Sager formats his tests to force you to do the reading. If you don't do the reading, you'll fail the tests. And don't take his class unless you have about 3-4 hours to spare for reading for every hour and half of class.
Review from a student who took 357M
Dr. Sager is one of the best instructors at UT. If you plan to go to law school, you should definitely take his class. It is quite difficult, but well worth the effort. He uses the Socratic method when he teaches. His class consisted of four tests and one paper. He grades fairly. His classes are certainly worth your time.
Review from a student who took GOV 320N
If you plan on going to law school, take Sager. He is conservative and his class is extremely difficult, but you really learn a lot. Sager is in addition personable, funny, and makes it very clear that although his politics are very obvious, they don't affect your grades.
Review from a student who took GOV320N
Sager is a great professor. His intelligence is undeniable. His lectures often include his very conservative political views and common lecture derailment but he can be very entertaining in that way. The amount of homework he gives may sound impossible at first but once you get in the groove of it, it's fine. This class has no room for procrastination, so stay on top of homework. Overall, he's a great professor and very personable.

Grades given in courses taught by Alan Sager

When teaching GOV 320K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 27% 43% 16% 1% 0% 13%

  All professors who have taught GOV 320K

When teaching GOV 357L

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 26% 53% 13% 0% 0% 7%

  All professors who have taught GOV 357L

When teaching GOV 320N

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 32% 44% 14% 0% 0% 10%

  All professors who have taught GOV 320N

When teaching GOV 357M

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 29% 47% 18% 0% 0% 6%

  All professors who have taught GOV 357M

Rating Summary:

Personality: 4.33
Grading Fairness: 4.67
Lecture Quality: 4.17
Overall: 4.33

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