Professor profile for Tarun Sabarwal

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Student reviews of Tarun Sabarwal

Review from a student who took ECO304K
Prof Sabarwal's micro class felt a like high school. He brought transparencies to class every day and then explained them in a very quiet voice that I had to sit in the second row to hear. He goes painfully slowly through all the material and didn't get to a lot of things I wanted to learn. I didn't come for about a month because I was bored and I missed a couple homeworks during that time but I still made an A with relative ease. I don't know what to make of him except to say that if economics doesn't make sense to you, you're going to want someone else.
Review from a student who took ECO 420K
My only C in 3 yrs of college work. Sabarwal's teaching style leaves alot to be desired. He brings notes to class and proceeds to write them out on the chalkboard. If youre stuck with this class then go to class everyday and write all that stuff down. Also keep track of your homework. It can be too much but dont give up like I did. This is supposed to be a difficult class so I'm not blaming the teacher entirely, but there are many other interesting teachers with whom you can take this class. Good luck!
Review from a student who took ECO 420K
Course was difficult to understand. i had to reread notes and book .... it helped. ended up with a B in class. Worked hard. Homework is painful, work in groups, it helps a lot. likes to reuse same tests from previous years. get em from people. i might have em..... good luck!

Grades given in courses taught by Tarun Sabarwal

When teaching ECO 304K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 21% 33% 34% 4% 3% 6%

  All professors who have taught ECO 304K

When teaching ECO 350K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 28% 44% 17% 0% 6% 6%

  All professors who have taught ECO 350K

Rating Summary:

Personality: 3.67
Grading Fairness: 3.33
Lecture Quality: 2.33
Overall: 3.00

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