Professor profile for Keri Ellen Pearlson

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Student reviews of Keri Ellen Pearlson

Review from a student who took kUvRertCmb
<span>Empty storefronts dot main sreetts in Vineyard Haven, Edgartown, and elsewhere</span>. According to the island's Chamber of Commerce, at least one member of nearly every Vineyard household is dependent on summer business, which softened during the recession and still has not recovered.Keep something in mind: this was the Vineyard's economy BEFORE the latest FF vacation. Think how bad this trip has made things. Businesses which were already on the edge have lost a good portion of their summer revenue, which is when the Vinyard businesses make most of their money for the entire year.So... when are we going to start seeing the press mention the "jobs lost or not created" metric?Oh, right... since this is the black Jesus we're talking about, never.
Review from a student who took kUvRertCmb
<span>Empty storefronts dot main sreetts in Vineyard Haven, Edgartown, and elsewhere</span>. According to the island's Chamber of Commerce, at least one member of nearly every Vineyard household is dependent on summer business, which softened during the recession and still has not recovered.Keep something in mind: this was the Vineyard's economy BEFORE the latest FF vacation. Think how bad this trip has made things. Businesses which were already on the edge have lost a good portion of their summer revenue, which is when the Vinyard businesses make most of their money for the entire year.So... when are we going to start seeing the press mention the "jobs lost or not created" metric?Oh, right... since this is the black Jesus we're talking about, never.

Grades given in courses taught by Keri Ellen Pearlson

When teaching ACC 380K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 52% 43% 0% 0% 0% 5%

  All professors who have taught ACC 380K

When teaching MIS 380N

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 58% 41% 1% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught MIS 380N

Rating Summary:

Personality: 1.00
Grading Fairness: 1.00
Lecture Quality: 5.00
Overall: 4.00

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