Professor profile for Ora Moore

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Student reviews of Ora Moore

Review from a student who took ME 333T
Dr. Moore is a good professor. She actually tries to get to know her students. The lectures are slightly boring but much less intense than most other engineering classes. I went to her office hours and she was very helpful. The topic of the major paper is about an engineering crisis. The workload of the course is light for the first half of the semester and then increases drastically with the final report.
Review from a student who took ME 333T
Moore, Oral is the worst teacher of all time. She?s not even a doctorate. She has the worst double standard of all time. She expect the students to be timely when she's late to class everyday, always forgetting to do stuff, change schedules the last minute, and SKIPS class. On top of all that, she can not communicate effectively. She stutters all the time. Her writings are full of grammatical errors. When you ask her a question in class, she will just ask you to look it up in the Scott's Foresman. Why is she teaching a communication/technical writing class when she doesn?t know how to do it herself? If this was not required and she?s not the only teacher, I would not ever take this class. Furthermore, you can never talk to her at her office hours. Rumor has it that she has sex with some of the students in her office. At first I didn?t believe it, but I went to her office one day and the door was lock. I heard a mourning noise coming from within. I thought that was kind of weird but decided to knock anyways. She replied from inside that she?ll be with me in just a second. I waited on in the hall for about 45 minutes and before heading off to my class without ever seeing her. I don?t know about you, but that?s really suspicious activity too me. Workload: Only one major research assignment for the semester. However, it requires a lot of effort. I spent more time for this class than any other class this semester. Her grading system is weird. She puts a lot of weight on the preliminary stuff and very little on the final report. The proposal is worth 25% while the final report is only worth 15%. Go figure.
Review from a student who took ME 333T
Worst professor I've ever had, period. Her lectures are totally useless. The workload will be very heavy. I would suggest not to take this class with other hard classes, as you will not have time to do both. It's almost hopeless to find her in her office hours even if you do have an appointment. I had to wait over an hour to talk to her for 5-10 minutes with an appointment. I too have heard rumors that she does the students. Her totaly lack of professionalism and caring for the student makes her the worst professor ever. I would suggest you take this class with another department like BME.
Review from a student who took ME 333T
The workload in Moore?s class is VERY VERY heavy. I think she thinks that this your only class or something. Besides doing heavy research on top of all the long writing assignments, there?s also series of presentations. I spent more time working on this class than all my other classes combined. From what I can tell, Moore is a very double standard as well. I guess she didn?t like one of my friends in the class, because he would get really bad grades on his writing assignments. He has asked me to proofread his papers before, and in my opinion his papers were better than mine and I received low to mid A?s on all of my papers. I don?t know how true it is about her not being in her office hours, because I don?t utilize office hours very often. However, the times which I tried to go to her office hours, she wasn?t there. I can see how that might be frustrating to people when an assignment is due.
Review from a student who took ME 333T
Not even a professor. She is the most double standard teacher I have ever taken. If you get on her good side, you are set. If she doesn't like you, just stop trying right now, you will not make a good grade. I guess it's like that in all arbitrarily graded classes. She is also very clueless about engineering. I guess she never talks to other professors. She constantly state wrong engineering principles. I would think she would picked up some knowledge from all those papers that she needs to read over throughout the years. If you want to get help at office hours, forget it. I have never seen her in her office. I've tried on multiple attempts to contact her at office hours, but I could never find her. I don't even see the point of setting a time for office hours, when you are not going to be there. A note on that one review, I did hear some weird noises coming from her office too. But maybe that's just a rumor. The only thing good about this class is that the TA is really cool. But I'm not sure if they are going to graduation soon or not.

Grades given in courses taught by Ora Moore

When teaching ME 333T

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 64% 30% 3% 0% 1% 2%

  All professors who have taught ME 333T

When teaching ME 333H

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 88% 6% 0% 0% 0% 6%

  All professors who have taught ME 333H

When teaching FS 301

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 79% 17% 4% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught FS 301

Rating Summary:

Personality: 1.60
Grading Fairness: 1.80
Lecture Quality: 1.40
Overall: 1.60

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