Professor profile for Joseph Malina

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Student reviews of Joseph Malina

Review from a student who took CE 301
Overall the class is pretty easy, just make sure you pay attention during the cut/fill calculations (those are the hardest things and they arent that hard). Malina himself is boring and you have to go to class because attendence is part of your grade. Some of the guest lecturers are pretty cool.
Review from a student who took CE 301
Professor Malina himself was pretty boring, but he takes attendence so you have to go. The guest lecturers are cool and overall the class is pretty easy (all tests are open note).
Review from a student who took kptHROmlVoHCejxaiWs
Review from a student who took YmxyWnFMKdRjyD
I like watching football <a href=" ">bimatoprost for sale without prescription</a> One of the best options for a student deciding which test to take is to take practice exams for both, either online or from a professional prep book. Be sure to follow the exams' formats as closely as possible.
Review from a student who took eEpTBjAZZIUw
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took hztcoARxgGuAeBK
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took XOBMWQdlkQYKa
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took YAAJhsVmdDL
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took xpCPsqLSmyMDrJ
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took xhHmQlohTMPt
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took hxGuyvmiVeTJBYamKi
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took nsQqCuJOjOlPDM
very best job
Review from a student who took dEfaIclOsrFQ
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took lktcnnhIDsWpZpngcV
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took knWNmgPXgQdBneSGvY
I work with computers
Review from a student who took QDeiIxyCGDLwiSOXG
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took JWxWdlRDhXOtDnOL
I study here
Review from a student who took LNTmRcdJbkBH
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took GCTeMhXQyVGCsj
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took tSfeCgbBHltx
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took YDSMKhThgKElwc
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took JAKxeRLTpN
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took lMNhLafGaDko
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took chfFMQVEpIDLoNyRr
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took XwLvzQvQIR
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took seteuLNSFgV
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took ykIZPKSOpkLHBOoWQjt
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took gsNoIAnsUUVV
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took jbQeceIRQXtAbthjKC
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took VGXFcZPzIGQNiDDy
I've been cut off
Review from a student who took BkIHabAMWTTRyJZYLS
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took kLoTvsaKFxdLvdrgr
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took KYEmLcnxMxyrfvR
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took KezNmGLGNLA
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took QpkdGzRfvXJxI
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took iYHyQQQpPiAnTgIaq
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took mUPPkryvIHDKWHTtxrd
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took CKMwcJjMkTBeMGByBGx
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took ngWYJafICE
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took XiHfUdSPMmMHvw
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took SOYDMBDcysIwSOw
I work with computers
Review from a student who took tZlIkYDmCT
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took OxRjxdhcPmFAUvxKmp
Another service?
Review from a student who took eYnuZPcdfBSZJ
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took bXxCuCVKYc
84T3jn Very good article post.Really thank you! Want more.

Grades given in courses taught by Joseph Malina

When teaching CE 301

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 34% 40% 16% 4% 5% 1%

  All professors who have taught CE 301

When teaching CE 386M

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 92% 8% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught CE 386M

When teaching CE 385L

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 57% 41% 2% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught CE 385L

When teaching CE 364

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 56% 36% 8% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught CE 364

When teaching CE 388N

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 78% 17% 6% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught CE 388N

When teaching CE 342

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 30% 37% 28% 5% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught CE 342

When teaching CE 346

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 45% 36% 18% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught CE 346