Professor profile for James Karboski

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Student reviews of James Karboski

Review from a student who took PHR 338
Dr. Karboski is a great lecturer, without him this class would be pretty tedious. There is a lot of information that must be memorized, but it's interesting so that helps. The notes are all powerpoints and the tests are multiple choice.
Review from a student who took Phr 338
Karboski's class is VERY detailed. This class, by nature, is very difficult because you have to memorize literally hundreds of drugs. He makes jokes all the time (and he's a little good looking too) so it makes class go by faster. I would suggest not to wait till the last minute before studying for the exams because it's TOO much info. the only gripe I have about the class is the guest lecturers he brings in. It makes it difficult to retain the information because there are multiple teaching styles which it hard to adjust to. It's a really interesting class, but if you don't have to take it but want to, take it pass/fail.
Review from a student who took PHR 338
Karboski's lectures are well organized and you don't have to buy the book, but there is LOTS of information to memorize. It's overwhelming to keep up with every single drug he mentions. Try to do really well on the first exam because the other two are harder since they include guest lecturers. The guest lecturers also help write the exam so Karboski claims he can't answer any questions regarding the guest lecture topics. It is helpul to bring a taperecorder and take this class your last semester before applying to nursing school cause it could affect your GPA
Review from a student who took PHR 338
karboski was an interesting teacher. however, his tests are very very specific. also, he doesnt bump up grades, not matter what the circumstance is (unless you find a mistake on his test). i had a 79 avg and my dad passed away the same semester...and he still refused to bump up my grade, saying "thats life". if you are borderline on grades in this for you
Review from a student who took phr 338
Review from a student who took PHR 338
I didn't think this class was nearly as bad as it was hyped up to be. The key to getting a good grade is sitting down and doing a little bit of memorization. I ended up with a B, but that is only because I figured out how to study the vast amount of information in time for the last test. I thought the 2nd test was the hardest because it asked a lot of ADR stuff, while the 1st and 3rd focused more on what the drugs did. The final wasn't bad, a good chunk of the questions just asked what drug class a drug was in.
Review from a student who took knfsmcoi
Review from a student who took PHR 338
Dr. Karboski is an incredibly interesting lecturer. I also find him very knowledgeable, and open to student questions. Some people have said that he won't "bump up" grades and that is true. But neither will any of my professors, nor do they round up. Let's face it, that isn't really fair. There has to be a line and it should be specific for everyone. However, my husband passed away over the course of the semester and I found my professors willing to work with me about missed class days, including Dr. Karboski. I think it is important to tell them immediately if you have something as serious as a death in the immediate family, not wait until the end and hope for a bump. Just a suggestion. I LOVED taking this course, even though there was a HUGE amount of information to assimilate.
Review from a student who took PHR 338
Unfortunately this is required for Nursing majors. If you don't memorize well, you will have trouble in this class. It's 90% memorization. Drug names, classes, Adverse reactions, etc. However, Dr. K is really funny and interesting. This class would totally SUCK if it weren't for that. Granted, I barely made it through, but I just don't memorize well. It's straight repetition, that's just how it is.

Grades given in courses taught by James Karboski

When teaching N 395

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 44% 44% 0% 0% 0% 11%

  All professors who have taught N 395

When teaching PHR 338

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 13% 33% 31% 13% 7% 4%

  All professors who have taught PHR 338

When teaching N 395C

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 48% 45% 3% 0% 0% 3%

  All professors who have taught N 395C

When teaching PHR 392S

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 39% 52% 8% 0% 0% 1%

  All professors who have taught PHR 392S

When teaching FS 301

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 73% 27% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught FS 301