Professor profile for John Hasenbein

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Student reviews of John Hasenbein

Review from a student who took ME 335
Dr. Hasenbein?s Probability and Statistics class is insultingly easy. There is only one homework due every week. If you put any effort on it, you will get the full score. Homework adds up to a potential 25% of your grade. However, if you don?t get the full 25% on your homework, your tests will be weighted more to have a combined total of 100%. His methodology is that doing homework will not hurt your grade. The tests are extremely easy. On top of that, the grading is every lenient. I have missed something totally and gotten full credit on the problem. The ?final? is weighted just like a regular test. It?s basically a combination of the review test and quiz with the numbers changed. This class is so easy that I went into the ?final? with a 100 average and came out with a 99.75 average. The downside to this class is that Dr. Hasenbein can?t convey the information as well. But you can figure out the stuff from the looking a the book.
Review from a student who took ME 335
Dr. Hasenbein?s Probability and Statistics class is insultingly easy. There is only one homework due every week. If you put any effort on it, you will get the full score. Homework adds up to a potential 25% of your grade. However, if you don?t get the full 25% on your homework, your tests will be weighted more to have a combined total of 100%. His methodology is that doing homework will not hurt your grade. The tests are extremely easy. On top of that, the grading is every lenient. I have missed something totally and gotten full credit on the problem. The ?final? is weighted just like a regular test. It?s basically a combination of the review test and quiz with the numbers changed. This class is so easy that I went into the ?final? with a 100 average and came out with a 99.75 average. The downside to this class is that Dr. Hasenbein can?t convey the information as well. But you can figure out the stuff from the looking a the book.
Review from a student who took OR 390R
Dr. Hasenbein is one of the best professors I had at UT. His probability class was easy. The best part was, I got to learn about the subject without worrying about grades, because, he gives an A to you if you make reasonable sense in your answers. But, what I loved about the course most was, he used to give practical examples of the materials taught in class, and did not dilute the material, or teach some wrong concepts in an attempt to simplify things. I would encourage anyone to take this class, especially if you are not sure about your probability background, and would like to make your fundamentals strong before going for more tough classes on stochastic processes.

Grades given in courses taught by John Hasenbein

When teaching ME 335

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 38% 42% 14% 2% 2% 3%

  All professors who have taught ME 335

When teaching ORI 390R

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 69% 29% 2% 0% 0% 1%

  All professors who have taught ORI 390R

When teaching ME 366L

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 43% 50% 7% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught ME 366L

Rating Summary:

Personality: 3.67
Grading Fairness: 5.00
Lecture Quality: 3.67
Overall: 4.33

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