Professor profile for Glenn Downing

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Student reviews of Glenn Downing

Review from a student who took CS 315
The projects aren't too terribly difficult. Sometimes they look insanely hard but when you actually start coding you'll see they're really not as bad as the project description makes them out to be. Tests are always deliberately tricky and painful. Here's the bottom line: PUT EVERY METHOD FROM EVERY CLASS YOU'VE TALKED ABOUT SINCE THE PREVIOUS TEST ON YOUR CHEAT SHEET! Since Downing gives one free piece of paper on every test, copy all the methods into a word document and make the font size as small as you can. This class is all about memorization. Just copy all the methods you can fit onto the paper and you'll ace the tests. Yes the tests are basically's just whoever makes the best cheat sheet gets the highest grade.
Review from a student who took CS 315
Downing is alright. At first I thought the class was designed to fail you due to his grading system. There is a "component rule" where to get a B you must have no less than a C on the 2 sections test & projects, and likewise for a B...A and grades less than C are not affected by this. He gives partial credit on test, but only whole point credit, and the problems are only work 2-5 points each so you could make ons esilly mistake and loose half the points for the question. He allows a printed cheat sheet front and back any size font you want for the tests. You can put what ever you want on there, most people put the code from the examples in class that he posts on his website. While the cheat sheet will not provide answers to the test, it will help you make fewer dumb mistake by being able to look up specific syntax. There is no final, but there are 3 tests 5%, 10%, and 25%. I have taken the first 2 and got mid 80's. I believe they were fair. He times the tests right before the dorp dates thsi way you can get out and save your GPA if you need to. If you dothis, i would suggest that you stick wiht the class after dropping it, do all the assignments and save them for next time. Might as well write down all the test questions during the tests as well, since he reuses atleast 50% from semester to semester(test and projects). This way when you take it a second time, it will be a breeze. There are quizes during discussion seciton worth only 10% of the grade in total, so attendance is almost required, but you can go to which ever lecture or TA session you can fit in, even if you arent signed up for it. Also there are small "puzzlers" also worth 10% these are small programs that solve little problems proposed in an ACM magazine. Some are hard but everyone talks in the news group so its massive amount of helping going on, just no code sharing. For the rest of his info, and a head start, check out his website. I will be getting atleast a B if not an A. I had an A in 307.
Review from a student who took cs315
Probably one of the best professors in the CS department, on par with Cline and Misra. CS 315 will probably teach you everything you need know for an internship. It's basically there to make sure you did not sleep through CS 307 though. I would have been bored if not for Downings excellent lectures, he somehow makes things already known to you interesting to hear. P.S. The class is easy, if you know what you are doing OR if you go to class. So if you do have trouble, either go to class and do your work...or change majors.
Review from a student who took cs 315
Early the class is a bit tough to follow. Once the real meat of the class is started, Downing really demonstrates the material well.
Review from a student who took CS 315
Downing is bad ass
Review from a student who took CS 315
His lectures are great. He explains everything well and makes sure we understand before going on. The tests are hard though, & the grading system is based on components of projects 50% and tests/quizzes 50% of your total grade, & it's set up so that if you get less than a C in either component, you automatically get a D in the course (can't move on to the next one). He is a good professor though.
Review from a student who took cs315
He will haunt you, he will be the subject of all of your nightmares
Review from a student who took CS 315
Do not attempt to hit on Downing's daughter. That being said, my class was the first to take Downing when he was teaching Java. So my semester was a lot easier than others before it got harder. But in general, he was an excellent lecturer in covering the material. Downing is very funny and energetic with the topics he covers. The homeworks are very long though (I lost a Spring Break due to one project), but the class is an opportunity to form great connections for the rest of your comp sci courses. I've heard how the tests are much harder to the point where they use cheat sheets now, but I think that the tests can be aced ONLY if you show up to class. Much of the material he goes over is just code that he writes out in class. Probably a better idea to get a sketch pad instead of a college ruled notebook since you'll end up writing code throughout the semester. I didn't think the text they used was that useful. Don't listen to the people whining about Downing. They probably don't deserve to be in comp sci anyway. Overall, great lecturer. Is he really the best lecturer in the comp sci department that everyone raves about? No, but he's pretty great, and that's all you really need.
Review from a student who took cs315
Downing.. What can one say. His lectures are useful most the time. He has a bad habit of writing something down, forgetting some inconcequential point, and sticking it in somewhere. These mistakes show up a lot, but they dont usually effect you on the tests. Projects look easy, but get hard. Start Early. If it doesnt work Sunday by 5, your out of luck. Keep your test average up. The last test is hard, and worth a lot. His grading system is a bucket of crap. Know going into this, he's out to make sure you dont go on. His grading system is set up that way, and you will probably get to a point to where the last test will be the difference between an A, B, or D. Forget Cs. Knowing this, realize hes a good teacher and knows his stuff. You will not go into a test unprepared, but they will be hard.
Review from a student who took CS 315
Pretty difficult course. Projects are due every 2 weeks, which require some time to do. Tests are difficult, but do-able since he lets you have a cheat sheet. Make sure to have a good cheat sheet because it will make the test much easier. Lectures are pretty mundane, an occasional nap is common. The real positive aspect, and eventually a drawback, is that he writes all the code on the chalk board. I never took CS 307 and Java was new for me (a C++ veteran here) so doing the projects took A LOT of debugging and figuring things out. No wonder they call it the "weed out" class. If you really like computer science, you will spend a lot of time playing with Java and eventually live through this class.
Review from a student who took CS 315
I was honestly pretty scared when I started this class, but it was all in vain. I went from sort of hating Downing to really appreciating him and his obvious desire to help his students. The first projects and tests I found to be pretty challenging, but they set me up to prepare myself to dedicate a lot of time to the class. The projects suck, but you do get to work with a partner. They take a really long time to complete and you don't get any credit if they don't produce the right output for the sample data he gives you. It seems pretty harsh, but after the first project, it wasn't really a problem. I also got to meet a lot of my peers working in partners. The tests aren't horrendous. Downing lets you use a cheat sheet which comes in REALLY handy at times (esp. for Big(0). WRITE THEM DOWN.). The first test was the hardest, but after that I got used to the format and felt like I overstudied for the other tests. Overall, Downing is there to help you. He (and the TAs) are very willing to work with you, answer questions, and clarify anything you have problems with. The structure of the lectures is difficult to follow at times, but Downing began putting outlines on his website that helped considerably with the organizational problems. 315 is no walk in the park by any means (I easily spent 25 hrs. a week doing work for the class sometimes), but it's not impossible if you keep up with the material, go to lecture, give yourself a few days (I'd say at least 4) to do the project, and throughly utilize the lecture notes he puts online (which were more of a supplement, not a replacement, for the lectures).
Review from a student who took cs 315
He's a badass. Tests are not as intensive as CS 307 tests w/ Scott. Go to lecture... he explains things really well; he's very easy to follow. There are six projects - they can be tough. They aren't impossible, though; use the newsgroup to exchange ideas and help each other out. Bottom line - you need to work for your A but it's fun and you'll be glad you did.
Review from a student who took cs315
bad, very bad.
Review from a student who took CS 315
Downing is an amazing lecturer. Simply amazing. The Projects were all challenging, I admit to that. However its the good kind of challenge. At its not like its an insurmountable challenge either. For Pete's sake, he gives you 2 weeks to do them. All the help in the world is out there if you have enough ambition to pursue it. The newsgroup, the office hours, they're all great. I will say that your TA makes a pretty big difference though. You'll want a good one since the TA's are the ones who grade your projects and your exams. I gave downing a 3 on grading fairness because the final exam (which technically wasn't a final) was pretty hard on was based too much on material he skimmed over at the very end (I thought). I did make an A however, and I will echo the sentiments of the other comments here by saying you WILL have to work your ass off for it. Very rewarding and I'm very glad I took it.
Review from a student who took CS 315
Excelent proffesor. Really enjoyable lectures. Unfotunately, the tests are very little like his lectures. If he covers a sytax point in class, memorize it absolutely and completely. Write it down on your cheat sheet!! Second, take the time to make a good cheat sheet. You will probably only use it once, but if you do need it, you will be screwed without it.
Review from a student who took CS 315
Easily one of the best prof in the CS dept. His lectures r gr8. He has a nice personality and style of teaching. He's very dedicated and is available almost every minute to answer questions - either during class, office hrs or on the newsgrp. I would definitely recommend him.
Review from a student who took EE 312
DO NOT TAKE EE 312 FROM HIM. Downing is a CS teacher so he teaches this course like you already know how to program. His lectures are OK. His tests are pretty hard. The programs are a pain in the ass. And his puzzlers,.. well lets just say if you take the class you will be unlucky enough to know what these are. I got a C in the class, and in all fairness I am not a good programmer, I got 100's on all the programs but bombed all the tests. I took Krasner for EE 322C and got a B. Do yourself a favor and take him you will save yourself a lot of pain. Honestly Downing is a jerk!!!!!!!!
Review from a student who took cs 315
He does not care about learning. this is a class that every CS major has to go through. and unfortunately he is the only one that teaches it. this is the class that will determine if you are CS or not. It would be great if there was someone else teaching the course. To him, this course is like a side job.
Review from a student who took CS 315
Downing gets a 1 in grading fairness, 4 in lecture quality, and 4 in personality. However, similiarly to his grading system, he gets a 1 overall due to poor grades in one component. I took this course for the second time, and on the last test I made a WORSE grade than the first time around, due to it being incredibly hard. This caused me to make a D in the class, even though I had an A on projects. Now I cannot pursue the only major I was interested in studying. Thanks CS 315!! Thanks a lot.
Review from a student who took CrIQdUjBrlhTutoJ
m74QRr This excellent website truly has all the information I wanted concerning this subject and didn at know who to ask.

Grades given in courses taught by Glenn Downing

When teaching CS 315

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 24% 26% 21% 8% 6% 14%

  All professors who have taught CS 315

When teaching CS 371P

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 26% 42% 19% 11% 1% 1%

  All professors who have taught CS 371P

When teaching CS 378

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 32% 41% 17% 3% 1% 6%

  All professors who have taught CS 378

When teaching EE 312

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 16% 44% 21% 2% 0% 16%

  All professors who have taught EE 312