Professor profile for Rebecca Bigler

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Student reviews of Rebecca Bigler

Review from a student who took PSY 304
This class is both highly interesting and pretty tough. Professor Bigler's lectures are entertaining and she has a wonderful sense of humor. The workload is roughly a chapter a week. The tests cover 4-5 chapters. When she says her tests are hard, she really means it! Some of the questions are dependent on one sentence out of a certain chapter in the book, which is a bit too demanding, I think. Bur just follow her study tips and try to study as best as possible. You can always come into office hours and ask for studying tips. She is very fair and allows rebuttals on any test questions you want to argue points for. Although I made a C on the 1st test, the rest of my test grades got increasingly better as I studied harder and I ended with an A in the class, meaning that I didn't have to take the optional 4th exam. You also have to write a paper on an experiment you conduct (of your choice), but it's not too difficult. Overall, don't take this class if you expect to put in minimal effort and still get a good grade, but do take it if you like classes that are both challenging and rewarding.
Review from a student who took PSY 304
Great professor! Lectures were extremely interesting and she seems to really like what she teaches. Everyone (including her) says the tests are hard, but I didn't find them extremely difficult. They consist of 40 multiple choice questions that cover about 4 chapters in the book and notes you take from her lectures. I averaged a B on the exams and got an A on the one short and easy paper we had to write on a study we conducted. However, she curves a lot and I didn't have to even take the last exam to get an A in the class. Basically the curve was this: we could get a possible 160 in the class if we did perfect on all the tests and paper, but anyone with a 132 or up made an A. Definately worth taking this class for the bit of effort you need to put in!
Review from a student who took Psy 304
Dr. Bigler is really nice and interesting. Her lectures are entertaining and she often shows videos but BEWARE, her tests are killer. The class average is usually a 65. To succeed you must read the LONG chapters thoroughly!! Going to class is a plus too. Not an easy A but she's a great person.
Review from a student who took PSY 304
Class is worth taking and worth the B or whatever you get. You learn in this class, you cant get away without learning. Read the chapters very good.

Grades given in courses taught by Rebecca Bigler

When teaching PSY 341K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 24% 36% 29% 8% 0% 3%

  All professors who have taught PSY 341K

When teaching PSY 394S

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 79% 14% 0% 0% 0% 7%

  All professors who have taught PSY 394S

When teaching PSY 304

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 20% 20% 39% 10% 5% 4%

  All professors who have taught PSY 304

When teaching PSY 394K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 71% 29% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught PSY 394K

When teaching WS 301

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 13% 25% 38% 13% 0% 13%

  All professors who have taught WS 301

When teaching PSY 333D

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 22% 32% 33% 6% 2% 5%

  All professors who have taught PSY 333D

Rating Summary:

Personality: 5.00
Grading Fairness: 3.00
Lecture Quality: 5.00
Overall: 3.75

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