Professor profile for Chris Grayson

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Student reviews of Chris Grayson

Review from a student who took soc 302
I thought Grayson was funny, she always had random comments that would wake me up at 8am. The class is pretty easy (good for a freshman year) and if you go in and talk to her she will remember your name and help you out when grading papers and quizzes. Try not to miss much because she won't always let you make up pop quizzes over videos or lectures from class. I would reccomend Grayson to anyone.
Review from a student who took soc 302
Great prof and talks about controversial issuses very openly. Counts attendance only when you have a borderline grade and can use it to bump you up. You have lots of little papers to do in the class but, none of them take more than about an hour to write. She is a great lady, with a lot of knowledge.
Review from a student who took Soc302
I enjoyed this class thoroughly. Grayson teaches very interesting and controversial things in an unabashed and open way. The "penis envy" lecture is great, just count how many times she says "penis". take her if you can...

Grades given in courses taught by Chris Grayson

When teaching SOC 302

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 18% 48% 22% 6% 2% 3%

  All professors who have taught SOC 302

Rating Summary:

Personality: 4.33
Grading Fairness: 4.67
Lecture Quality: 4.67
Overall: 4.67

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